Did you know that the estimated crowd at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. earlier this week was 225,000? Yeah, neither did I, until I checked on Lifesite. And I had checked the entire front section of the National Post every day. Nothing, not even a paragraph on the sidebar on the World/US page. Now, admittedly, the crowd estimate came from the Convention Director for the March for Life. The Washington Post‘s coverage (on page 3) stated that “tens of thousands” participated in the March. Not bad, but AP’s coverage described the crowd as numbering “thousands” and then went on to mention, in paragraph 2 of their story, no less, that “[a] smaller crowd of several dozen abortion-rights supporters held their own rally later”. The New York Times’ brief coverage did not even include a number, although they had published the organizer’s estimate of attendance in a (much longer) article covering an anti-war rally that took place last January.
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