He’s baaaaack, with his ‘college education’ fetish (why does he care so darn much how the degreed vote? do people with university education count more than those without?) and his gosh, no, we can’t possibly even think of pretending we hold anything resembling conservative-esque values. I mean, ick.
I am annoyed. Perhaps it’s me who has no business anywhere close to his tent. Or perhaps he needs to go someplace else to pitch his. I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure we can’t agree to disagree on stuff like this:
We need to modulate our social and cultural message. Not jettison. Not reverse. Modulate. For example: We are a pro-life party, but every Republican platform since 1980 has gone much further, calling for a federal constitutional amendment to ban all abortions in all states under almost all circumstances. We don’t mean it. We don’t act on it. Yet we keep saying it.
That’s just one way in which we’re confusing voters. We don’t intend to police every single one of the millions of deathbeds in America, either. So why did we obsess over Terri Schiavo?
So if you’re pro-life you can’t, for instance, call for an end to abortion? You’re not allowed to ‘obsess’ over end-of-life issues? What, pray tell, are pro-lifers allowed to do? Pretend they’re not so they can look more with-it at fashionable cocktail parties?