After one meeting (albeit a lengthy one) this article was forwarded to me three times.
It’s Diane Francis of the Financial Post declaring we should all officially adopt China’s One Child Policy.
I think it’s satire. From what I know of Diane Francis, she’s not an idiot. But this is the sort of drastic and unattainable policy that some would think completely normal and/or useful in combatting “climate change.”
Paragraphs like this one lead me to believe this is a ruse:
The fix is simple. It’s dramatic. And yet the world’s leaders don’t even have this on their agenda in Copenhagen. Instead there will be photo ops, posturing, optics, blah-blah-blah about climate science and climate fraud, announcements of giant wind farms, then cap-and-trade subsidies.
You bet they don’t have it on their agenda at Copenhagen… And maybe we need a few more articles like this to highlight how the climate change file is a crazy one.
Anyway, vote now: satire or not? I say it is.
Andrea adds: I stand corrected. Apparently, Ms. Francis is, with a straight face, advocating for the totalitarian impulses of Communist China to be applied To. The. Planet (insert echo voice here).
And apparently, I must get rid of my optimistic tendencies–this impulse that would have me see the best in everyone. Misguided! Oi ve.