New book out by psychologist Rachel MacNair. Should be interesting:
Applying the principles of peace psychology to the abortion situation of the United States, this book shows that the insights of the psychology of violence that are so well known from the practice of war and similar killing can also apply to abortion. Most particularly, evidence for the effect that the practice has on the doctors and nurses that do it is detailed. Also, the drive for consistency of the human mind interplays with this to show us something about effective strategy: as people understand the practice is declining, it becomes safer to hear what’s wrong with it, and it becomes more likely for people to try to explain the decline by noting what’s wrong with it.
Pro-abortion folks will often complain when anti-abortion folks are not pacifists.(Hypocrisy charges.) But if you are against most or all wars because they are killing, then you most assuredly cannot afford to be pro-abortion. Rachel MacNair is a pacifist…(I’m not.) But I appreciate her unique angle and I’m keenly interested in what MacNair has to say about the effects on doctors and nurses who are involved with killing for a living; and this “people understand the practice is declining, it becomes safer to hear what’s wrong with it,” intrigues me too.