Why? Because of this:
[Barack Obama] has said that his first act as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would eliminate by federal statute any abortion regulations in all of the 50 states.
and this:
…the substance of his abortion policy is extreme and counter-productive. It puts him far outside the American mainstream. So why does he adopt it? Voters can only conclude that Mr. Obama believes in his policy sincerely.
It’s not often I sincerely hope that writers are wrong. Sadly, here, Father De Souza isn’t. Barack Obama is radically pro-abortion, out of a sincere belief. Babies as punishment–that was no gaffe. That’s how he feels. Good thing I’m not looking to legislative reform for any source of inspiration on the topic of abortion–whether in Canada or the USA, it doesn’t look like there will be any relief, any time soon.