On sex selection abortion–this letter to the editor in the Ottawa Citizen today. I do agree with the writer, and when we are able to convince this culture that abortion is not compassionate, we will also see sex selection abortion diminish.
Now that said, I also believe we ought to reject out of hand the cultural proclivity that says girls are not worth as much as boys. We should not attempt to understand it, or accomodate it. That, however, becomes more difficult to do when we are AOK with disposing of human life for financial reasons. Or because the time is not right. Which for a woman from a different culture may sound every bit as fatuous as any other reason for abortion, including gender.
Way back when I wrote Canada’s Lost Daughters I uncovered a Women’s Hospital (Vancouver, BC) memo–which showed that staff were working to better understand sex selection abortion. And such is the desperation of a pro-abortion culture–that some pro-choicers can’t come out and say quite simply gender is a bad reason for an abortion.
“I personally believe it is wrong, but I can’t tell a woman what to do” dies hard.