Been browsing the History of Medicine Division of the U.S. National Library of Medicine image database in preparation for a presentation on c-sections. Of course, when you type “birth” in the keyword field, you get images about — no, not birth — birth control. This ad from Planned Parenthood was too good to pass. So giving out information about the physical and emotional complications of abortion is a scare tactic but this isn’t, eh? Still, pro-life kudos to PPH for recognizing (for once?) that women don’t get pregnant on their own.
Andrea adds: I find this ad fascinating–what year is it from? If the feathered hair is any indication, I’m going to guess the 80s. The thrust of pro-choicers today is very different from the spirit of this ad. Today, abortion is private. A woman’s matter. Men don’t matter. The pro-choicers of yesterday, then, were more sensible–if I don’t get pregnant on my own, how come the whole thing is so very private in the end?
Véronique searches but: I couldn’t find the year. It said Utah Planned Parenthood, 19–
My guess would be the 80s too.
Tanya objects: Let’s not knock this ad too much. It may be what inspired maternity-wear designers to bring out jeans for pregnant women. Seeing this, they surely said to themselves: “If a man can pull off something other than a mu-mu or overalls while pregnant, surely a woman can, too!”