Interesting piece by Michael Coren in the Toronto Sun today.
In the United States a pro-life magazine has just published an article that has sent shockwaves through the media. The magazine in question, The Advocate, had an actor telephone Planned Parenthood in seven different states and pose as a racist bigot who wanted to donate money to the largest pro-abortion organization in North America. The reaction was extraordinary.
In Ohio the potential donor began by stating that, “There’s definitely way too many black people in Ohio, so I am just trying to do my part.”
Planned Parenthood: “Okay, whatever.”
… at no time did Planned Parenthood decline the donation or express concern at the appallingly racist sentiments of the caller. One conversation involved not merely an employee but a director of development and in some instances other workers were consulted to make sure the donations were acceptable. They were. Some of the Planned Parenthood staff eagerly supported the apparently racist caller’s views.
Reminds me of something my dear husband wrote a while ago in the now-defunct Western Standard (and in the National Post) about St. Tommy Douglas wanting to sterilize (I kid you not) mental defectives.
It’s not like I’m shocked to discover that there are racists, imbeciles and bigots everywhere. But it annoys me no end to be lectured on tolerance and open-mindedness by people whose ideological side practises such appallingly poor political hygiene. I know there are kooks and bigots and whatnot on the right (and among pro-lifers). But I don’t believe these people are at the forefront of the movement. It’s hard to claim Planned Parenthood is marginalized by the mainstream pro-choice movement as being too extreme for polite company…
Andrea adds: Planned Parenthood marginalized? Au contraire! We fund them with our tax dollars within Canada and since that’s just not quite enough, our federal government gives to Planned Parenthood International, too.