Update: According to this story, he has been forced to remove his “Defend Life” poster from his East Block office window.
Government Whip Jay Hill (Prince George-Peace River, B.C.), meanwhile, told The Hill Times that he read Ms. Crosson’s letter and asked his staff to look into the matter.
“My staff contacted Mr. Anders’s staff and informed them that it wasn’t an issue of the content of the sign, it was an issue that signs are not allowed in the windows,” said Mr. Hill.
“It’s a long-standing policy[…] It just makes eminent sense to me,” said Mr. Hill, adding that though he hasn’t seen the rules in writing, he believes the idea is to protect Parliament Hill’s integrity as an historical site.
Personally, I have no problem with such a “no-sign” policy, even if they just made it up. Post anything you like inside you office, leave the outside alone. That would be clean and fair. Provided, of course, that it applies equally to everyone, regardless of what’s on their signs.