With MPs and Ministers tripping all over themselves to “out” themselves as pro-choice Conservatives, I thought I would remind you all that there are pro-life politicians on Parliament Hill. Full disclosure: I work for one of them. And no, I am not paid to blog (unfortunately. Can you make a living pro-life bloggging? Because I’d be interested.) In my office, I have pictures of my boss denouncing the Morgentaler Order of Canada, visiting pro-life organizations, attending the National March for Life and addressing the crowds on Parliament Hill.
If you live in a riding represented by the NDP, the Liberals, the Bloc or any socially-liberal-Conservative, you may feel unrepresented in Parliament. If you have ever written to your MP about pro-life or pro-family issues and received a boiler-plate reply about social consensus and Canadian values blah-blah, you may feel misunderstood and silenced. But you are not. It may not be your MP but some MPs are working hard — and getting flack — making sure that your voice is heard.