A reader, Brian, thought we needed to read this. So I did–most of it, anyway.
There’s a lot of disagreement on how and when abortion causes psychological damage to women. One area of solid agreement is that when the woman herself harbours grave misgivings over the act, that woman is indeed more likely to experience personal damage.
So what upsets me about the link above is not that there are hypocrites out there, even pro-life ones–surely we all knew that. What upsets me is that the abortion providers document these examples and in only one case that I found, did they decline to do the abortion. One of these stories even documents a 16-year-old who the abortion providers describe as “not quite right.” But she too, got her abortion.
It also upsets me that someone would chronicle these horrible examples with an obvious sense of schadenfreude. Well done: You have exposed some maliciously dishonest pro-lifers.
It’s hard to see the hypocrites for all the other hypocrites. So I’ll ask a question. What is the bigger problem? The 16-year-old who is “not quite right” and pro-life but asks for and gets an abortion, or abortion providers who say they care about women but clearly don’t have a problem putting someone who is mentally incompetent under the knife?
Still, I thank the reader for drawing my attention to that piece.