If you are visiting this site, you may have noticed our tagline, “Canada without abortion. By choice.”
Now that the U.S. has a pro-abortion President, I’m glad to see pro-lifers trying to think of other ways to outlaw abortion. Read about that, front page of the Washington Post, here. It’s wise to acknowledge Obama is pro-abortion and move on. (Whether or not a pro-lifer can or should have voted for him is a question we’ve already addressed and that debate is over now.)
Lots of interesting points in this article, including this one:
“You don’t work to limit the murder of innocent victims,” said Judie Brown, president of the American Life League. “You work to stop it.”
Yes, you work to stop it, but the question is how. I don’t think that civilized, compassionate societies should offer, pay for, sanction or condone abortion in any form. In that sense, some day we’ll come to the point where we outlaw it, as William Wilberforce worked to outlaw slavery. We’re not there, not even close. Now Wilberforce outlawed slavery on some sort of technicality–he was very clever about it–the mores of his culture had not yet changed.
We (pro-lifers) need to get creative. We need to look for new and different ways to stop abortion, especially considering Obama’s record on the topic. I hope he’s not as extreme as he appears, but all I have to go on is his solidly pro-abortion, Planned Parenthood Approved (gold star!) record. So better look elsewhere, is what I say, and incidentally, what I did, too in launching this web site and group. (Because in Canada, multi-cultural land of diversity that we are, every leader is pro-choice right now, and, I believe over the course of my lifetime this has always been the case.)
Interesting commentary from the author of The Party of Death, here. He ends by saying this:
Still, we learn something from Salmon: It is indeed possible for pro-lifers to get friendly treatment from the Washington Post, at least as long as they are supporting pro-choice politicians.