I thought that this might be a fitting article for my first post on ProWomanProLife, found by accident while I was looking up something about ancient Rome! It’s entitled “Caesar’s Thumb” by the great-grandson of King George V, Lord Nicholas Windsor.
A brilliant article and well worth the read especially in light of Stephen Woodworth’s continued efforts (and motion today in the House of Commons) to re-open the debate that is trying with all its might to remain closed.
And this enforcement of a new status quo succeeds so well due, surely, to benefits enjoyed as a result—benefits of an order that make acceptable even the killing of innocents, by their protectors, on a scale that freezes the imagination. How much then must depend on its remaining so, remaining beyond question? This is the nub of that ideological word choice. So much else can be chosen in a given life if the option to dispose of unwanted children is dependably available.”