This is how I feel about the Oscar’s too:
Thank you for giving statuettes to movies that have the right politics and thank you for allowing us to make speeches from positions of enormous privilege abusing people who dare to disagree with us. Act like a spoiled little fascist. More false emotion and false liberalism. Yes, yes, yes! I love Hollywood; it’s the real America. Laws don’t apply to me, being arrested for drugs and alcohol is a career boost and I’ll never have to worry about not being able to pay the bills or not being able to send my kids to a school that’s safe and good and clean. Thank you.
This is such a wonderful occasion. Having no idea who the foreign filmmakers are and not caring — where did she get that awful dress? Describing arch mediocrities who can memorize other people’s words and sleep with the right people as geniuses. Tears, marriage is wrong, tears, another attack on religion, go Obama! I have no idea who most of these dead people from last year are and don’t care either. Thank you.
This mentality lives well outside Hollywood. Schools here in Ontario that take on The Laramie Project pat themselves on the back for their bravery. Don’t get me wrong–put on The Laramie Project if you want. But do not for one second think you aren’t walking the most culturally acceptable, easiest road you possibly could. The road more travelled, by say most people in Hollywood, as it were.