It’s not the first procedure of its kind, but it still makes the news. ABC News called it surgery on the “tiniest, most fragile of patients; those still in the womb.”
Doctors, using new technology to work inside the mother’s uterus, separate the blood vessels that connect the twins.
[The mother], sedated but awake, underwent surgery during her 22nd week of pregnancy.
During the surgery, doctors entered the amniotic sack using a kind of miniature “telescope.” Occasionally, to their surprise, a fetus will actually grab on to the scope in the middle of the procedure.
It’s the most simplistic reasoning there is to being against abortion. When it’s wanted, the life in the womb is treated by pediatric surgeons at a children’s hospital. When it’s ‘unwanted’, well, you know.
Pro-abortion advocates, though, have a name for recognizing what’s actually in the womb: fetus fetish.
The legislature of South Dakota is insincere and is acting out a fetus fetish to make themselves feel morally superior rather than focusing their scarce resources on child care for working mothers, education, and medical care for children.
(I don’t know about South Dakota, but Quebec has the highest rate of abortion in North America. Yet, we are home to daycares-a-plenty, an impressive array of educational options for women, and three of the country’s eleven children’s hospitals.)
When I think about all the lives snuffed out before they make it out of the womb, I don’t feel morally superior. I might feel a bit like I’m screaming at the top of my lungs in the middle of a crowded room while no one pays any mind to me, but I don’t equate that so much with superiority. In fact, if any one of you is looking for a glamour job – one where others recognize you primarily for your unsurpassed moral standards – skip the pro-life section of the classifieds.