The Anti-Choice Project. I’ve always said on abortion I am indeed anti-choice. The term doesn’t offend me. Everyone is anti-choice on something.
(h/t Big Blue Wave)
Rebecca adds: This is a wonderful poster, because it highlights the fallacy behind arguments that those who oppose abortion should be content with not aborting their own unborn children. We judge bystanders to atrocities harshly, and not without reason; as Daniel Goldhagen’s work made abundantly clear, the 12 million dead in the Holocaust could not have been massacred without the silence and acceptance of Germans writ large, not simply the active evils carried out by a (relatively) small number. And we are constantly (and appropriately) exhorted not to allow genocide to happen on our watch in the 21st century. Good people can differ about what exactly it is that is disposed of in an abortion, but it should be readily grasped that for those who believe a human life is at stake, more is required of us than simply not having an abortion ourselves.

This is a good picture. I’ve always wondered why the pro-abortion lobby gets away with using the freedom of choice argument. Surely it should be obvious that, for any issue (not just abortion), freedom of choice can only be relevant if ALL the parties involved agree that ALL the choices under consideration are valid options. If I say that slavery is morally wrong, you can’t sit back and agrue that it’s none of my business. Similarly if your brother thinks rape should be legal, he can’t argue that as long as he promises not to rape my wife, sister,daughter or female friend I should simply respect his freedom of choice.
By claiming that abortion is a matter of freedom of choice, the pro-abortion people are insisting that we have to accept it as a valid option. They are basically assuming their answer is correct and then using that assumptuion to justify it.
Making abortion illegal causes astronomical increase in crime, so says silly things like data and facts. Glad you want more crime. Glad you want more kids living the shitty lives unwanted kids live. Glad you care more about your “scruples” than how much pain your scruples cause your society. That’s awesome…or pathological narcissism.
THANK YOU ANNE!!!!!! Your lies have inspired me to create an award at my blog, Coming Home.
You are the inaugural recipient of the Golden Coconut Award. It is a true distinction for pro-aborts. See your award and mention here: