Apparently, Opposition parties are boycotting the 20th anniversary of the Polytechnique massacre because “Conservative policies have ‘rolled back the fight for women’s equality and safety.'”
Citing the elimination of the court challenges program and the move to abolish the gun registry as reasons that the Conservatives have endangered women, Bloc MP Nicole Demers said the ceremony remembering the victims was a “hypocritical gesture”. And Liberal MP Anita Neville said: “I find it difficult to stand beside a minister who chooses not to advocate for women, who chooses to follow the party line, who chooses to endorse the elimination of the long-gun registry.”

I wonder if any of us will live long enough to see the publication of the fact that that scum bag Marc Lepine (his real name Gamil Gharbi) was the son of an Islamic fundamentalist father that beat the snot out of his mother daily and hated all women. He changed his name to escape the ridicule he received for having the same outlook on life as his father? He was a twisted Islamic terrorist and the politicly correct media in Canada have not said one word about it during or since the horrible event happened.
The opportunism of the Liberals and women’s organizations twisting and using this event to further their cause is shameful.
Mark Steyn wrote it: