Premier Dalton McGuinty was caught today actually listening to his constituents. He’s giving up on the new sex ed curriculum.
Cherish these moments.
byPremier Dalton McGuinty was caught today actually listening to his constituents. He’s giving up on the new sex ed curriculum.
Cherish these moments.
David says
It is just a blip. McGuinty still believes that the government should be teaching children about their sexuality and not the parents even though research says that adolescents look to their parents first for their education on this issue. Furthermore the curriculum is still based on two false assumptions about children. Research shows that children are not oriented by nature towards sexual activity and the adolescent brain has not developed enough to make healthy choices about this issue. We need a curriculum that understands children are developing persons and is designed to support their maturing until they can make those decisions.
BillyHW says
But how will our children ever learn how to do sex now?
midas says
Let us not celebrate. Liberals (of any political affiliation) never give up. This curriculum will be reintroduced again and again, until it is accepted.
Parents better get ready for discussions of homosexuality with their 3rd-graders, and anal intercourse just 4 years later, at which time they may learn from the kids a few things they did not know.
The puzzling thing is why McGuinty doesn’t want the two items discussed together in grade three, preferably. It would make perfect sense, for McGuinty and his Liberals, anyway.
Suricou Raven says
“adolescent brain has not developed enough to make healthy choices about this issue.”
No, but it has developed enough to make *choices*. Just ignore the healthy part. They are going to want sex very much, and a lot of them are going to get it. That cannot be changed.
“Liberals (of any political affiliation) never give up.”
Nor do conservatives. Some of the contended issues have been fought over for decades with neither side backing down.
“The puzzling thing is why McGuinty doesn’t want the two items discussed together in grade three, preferably.”
Too much, too fast? Got to let the basics sink in before you can move on.