In today’s Post (sorry I can’t find the link), an item asking whether high school kids in music class should sing Lady Gaga songs. No, they shouldn’t. Those should be banned or relegated exclusively to remix versions for my kickboxing class. High school is the time to learn obscure classical and broadway tunes and choral music sung in a fake British accent. How else could I snap my fingers while walking down the street singing the alto part of Rhythm of Life?
Deborah says
Please, no, not broadway tunes. I think I’m allergic to show choirs.
Wow, you just managed to give me flashbacks to junior high. Thanks. 😮 (But I have to say . . . go altos! Woooo!)
Sadly, a many schools have started banning lots of the good choral music because it is sacred in nature (regardless of the fact that lots of it is in a dead language). There was one high school I know of went so far as to ban their BAND from playing Schubert’s Ave Maria at graduation. Mind you — this was without any lyrics being sung, just instrumental. So what can we really expect to come from all of this?