Is this a joke? An Edmonton radio station has a wife-winning contest:
The Bear is giving away a wife! See the Latest Entries below! But we’re not going to give this opportunity to just anybody…. to weed out the no-hopers and time-wasters, we’ve developed the application form below. If you’re interested in potential holy matrimony with a hot foreign chick, fill it out to the best of your abilities. If we pick you, you’ll be heading to Russia with 13 nights’ accomodation, return air fare, and $500 spending money to meet the lucky lady!
In a world where flashy North Americans go on national TV to win a wife/husband, it can all get pretty confusing around what is and isn’t an appropriate way to meet someone and get married. But this one veers dangerously close to human trafficking territory. What do people think?
Megan says
Whatever this is, it’s almost in the same category as Ottawa’s Hot 89.9 raffling off fertility treatments in their current “Win a Baby” contest ( Super-classy.
Andrea Mrozek says
Oh brother. Is that what those baby ads are for? I’ve seen them around. Brutal. Worth a post on its own!