You will, I trust, forgive the pun:
Dr. Kermit Gosnell has been charged with murdering one woman and seven newborn babies at his rogue clinic, called the Women’s Medical Society, in West Philadelphia. Though it’s too early to predict this case’s full political impact, it’s certain that anti-abortion groups will use it to push for further restrictions on women’s reproductive rights. But the legislation pushed by these anti-abortion conservatives is what has forced women into such life-threatening situations. Poor women throughout the United States cannot afford safe abortions and in consequence sometimes make extremely dangerous choices.
“Because of the Medicaid ban on abortion funding and state restrictions, poor women in the state and in Philadelphia really face horrific choices about what to do if they have an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, or a pregnancy that poses significant health problems,” says Rose Corrigan, a professor of politics and law at Drexel University. “So what I’ve seen is that women often shop around for abortion services. Women are so poor that a few dollars really make a difference.”

“But the legislation pushed by these anti-abortion conservatives is what has forced women into such situations”
So a man and a woman have sex. They conceive a child they do not want. The man flees and the woman is left to remedy the problem in the cheapest way possible (which also happens to be the ugliest).
Pro-abortion reaction: “If it weren’t for those darn conservatives and their legistation, the State would make sure that the cheapest way to abort your unwanted child is also the safest and most sanitary.”
Conservative response: “If it wasn’t for the fact that people (especially men) are so irresponsible with their sexual urges, the State wouldn’t need legislation to protect the rights of unwanted children.”
My goodness sometimes it seems we are worlds apart.
Wow, they will blame us for EVERYTHING, won’t they? This is the most ludicrous argument I’ve ever heard in my life.