It mostly went unmentioned in the stories about the Fort Hood mass murder last week: One of the victims was pregnant. Now some people are wondering whether the killer should be charged for that unborn baby’s murder, too.
Why not? I’ve said elsewhere and will repeat it here: Don’t just throw the book at this despicable murderer, throw the whole darn printing press.

I agree — you could argue the killing of the unborn child was the worst murder of the bunch.
But where is the pro-life movement re: the daily massacres carried out by the US army “over there”?
Why is the killing of US military personnel ON A MILITARY BASE objectionable, whilst nearly a decade of death, dismemberment, psychological derangement, and social and economic destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now, Pakistan and Iran NOT?
Why is it not an issue for the pro-life movement for the US government to cause its “own” people to be killed for political reasons…or is it?
Haven’t we had this discussion before, JC? First of all, there are no “daily massacres” by the American army in Iraq. Any massacres that have occurred were the initiatives of the indigenous peoples or their neighbours in the surrounding countries. Neither has there been a decade of “dismemberment, psychological derangement, and social and economic destruction in Iraq”, except by the Mohammedist terrorists themselves (and the outbreak of Bush derangement syndrome). Oil was not the motive because all oil profits have been used to rebuild Iraq.
Secondly, the primary responsibility of the civil government is to protect its citizens from violence from either inside or outside its borders. It has the right to kill in the execution of justice or in defense against foreign invaders. Flying airplanes into buildings constitutes invasion. Happily former President Bush kept the invaders (terrorists) off of American soil and preoccupied with survival on their own soil. You should be grateful!
Thirdly, capital punishment for murder is an acknowledgement of the sanctity of human life. Justice means that the punishment must fit the crime. Go to Genesis 9 for God’s punishment of those who commit murder.
Virtually everything you just said is wrong.
But I will restrain myself and ask only: do you REALLY believe Iraq had ANYTHING to do with 911?
If the answer is yes, please take a few minutes to catch up with the last several years of reality. Start with Bush himself saying Hussein and Iraq had nothing to do with 911.
JC, I most certainly do think Iraq had a lot to with 911. I’d like to see the original quote from former President Bush that you referred to. I wonder whether he was speaking of the Iraq war in a narrow sense; I know that Iraq’s supposed “weapons of mass destruction” were in large part the justification at the time. President Bush, you should note, wasn’t responsible for the faulty intelligence he received (and not just American intelligence, since countries all around the world believed the same thing). In a wider sense, Iraq had a lot to do with 911. They are the on-going clash of civilizations, and if the Mohammedan world attacks, then the West had better retaliate. Ultimately I don’t know whether the Iraq war was a just war, but I have great respect for President Bush who stuck to his guns even when much of the world was content to do nothing. He stayed the course even after many typically irresponsible Americans were ready to jump ship and let the new Iraqui state deteriorate into anarchy, bloodshed, and–to use your phrase–“daily massacres.”
Making a decision to go to war is always a difficult decision. I’m sure that President Bush better understood the situation than you or I did, and he was a resolute leader who deeply cared about the people (Americans) God had committed to his care. I’m quite sure you don’t agree with me, so I’m curious: what do you think was the Bush administration’s motive for going to war with Iraq? And, let’s remember, the majority of Americans at the time supported him in this decision.
Pacifism is a deadly philosophy. It is an escape from reality because all people are sinners, i.e. inherently wicked, and violence is a given. While war is certainly a great evil, it is therefore necessary (for defense). The United States has probably been the most benevolent superpower that the world has ever had. But will it continue? Pacifism either weakens the state to foreign control, or it allows a dictator to take power. So I conclude that both war and government are necessary evils. The less of them we have, the better. But have them we must.
I don’t know what rock you have been living under all these years. But here is ONLY ONE example of Bush himself saying IRAQ AND HUSSEIN HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911:
What disturbs me most is that you pose a a pro life advocate. You are not. You cloak your phony pro life position with religion, presumably some stripe of Christianity. But your real religion is Democracy (or “mobocracy”) and/or the State.
The State is MURDER, INC., Jon.
Bush did not “better understand” anything better than you or I. Or anybody. Being in government, contra your true religion, does not vest one with god like omniscience.
I am no “pacificst”, Jon. But if I were to suggest settling OUR political differences (and my abhorrence of your fake Christian, bloodthirsty, ignorant worldview) by beating the hell out of you, YOU would be the first to turn pacifist and call the police, to deny me what you believe is the God given right of politicians and bureaucrats.
Jesus Christ was indeed a great teacher; many of his teachings warned against the evil of the state. And Jesus was subtle, too: he said ‘give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’… he just never said what IS Caesar’s (Jesus wished to live a little longer, to get some more preaching and teaching done).. namely NOTHING. Nothing is Caesar’s or the State’s, Jon. Except your soul.
And finally, you ask why was Iraq attacked?
Well, the Mob wanted revenge. Certain interests wanted their oil. Certain other interests were (and are) war profiteers. The Bush Gang had a political vendetta against their former operative, Saddam. Iraq was a considered a threat to US allies in the region. I could go on, Jon. Suffice to say, when an OPPORTUNITY for war presents, the false justifications are endless.
OK, JC and Jon: This is getting long, boring, uncivil and most critically, off-topic. We won’t be publishing further comments in this vein. Thanks for your understanding. ~The Management.
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