I will not be the first one, at this late stage, to highlight for Barbara Kay that abortion-rights activists will not find anything she’s written here remotely reasonable. They will fight it all tooth and nail. Let’s keep in mind that the only people happy with the status quo right now are very radical, very extreme pro-abortion types. But they have voice in the law schools, amongst judges, in the education system and finally, in the media.
Don’t just blame politicians, then, for not engaging in this debate. Blame those who uphold the status quo because every time a pro-abortion woman pipes up with just one simple word: “Discrimination!” everyone kowtows and scuttles away in scared silence. (If a pro-life woman stands up and says: “Injustice!” she’s being controlled by the patriarchy and can generally be ignored.)

Quote: … “she’s being controlled by the patriarchy”…
Any examples of that? It is my impression that the feminist (anti)-matriarchy – academic, media, political – is much more active and shrill in the business of controlling than is “patriarchy.”
And what patriarchy do we have around nowadays, anyway?
midas: that’s my point, but hard to convince others on it.