Apparently there is a museum of abortion and birth control in Sudtirol, Austria. This article walks you through that. Toward the end, the abortion provider, Christian Fiala, who founded the museum has this to say about people who disagree:
Sadly, you cannot talk to these people in an objective manner. They are, if you will, psychologically confined in a certain way. Normal discussion isn’t even possible. That is the true drama. Not the abortions but the fact that to this day, people like them are allowed to stand outside our clinic scaring away women who need help. I have received anonymous death threats too. But let’s not talk about people like that any more. It doesn’t further the cause. You wouldn’t blame illiterates for reading the wrong newspaper.
It’s interesting, because although it is likely patronizing, I feel the same way about him. Worldview, people, it is a very long process to change it.
Then there’s this gem:
Until about 1900, killing babies after birth was the predominant method of birth control. From then on, and for about 70 years, the illegal termination of the pregnancy between the fourth and fifth month became commonplace.”
In short, we used to kill babies after birth, but now, ladies and gentlemen, we do it before, and this is what makes us so civilized. A sarcastic well done to you Herr Fiala.
Melissa says
I was thinking recently that, given that the topic of abortion is such a gruesome and disquieting topic, only the people who really care one way or another are willing to weigh in. What strikes me about abortion supporters, though, is that they seem to be absolutely unable to acknowlege the child, and they are unable to acknowlege that prolifers acknowlege the child. Any prolifer worth her salt can talk about bodily autonomy, or the “right to sex for pleasure”, or other pro choice talking points. But if you question a prochoicer about what motivates those in the prolife camp, you almost invariably get an answer like “They hate women,” or, “They are psychologically confined in a certain way.”
Meanwhile, this is a man who dismembers babies and sucks their mutilated parts out of a woman’s body for a living. And somehow, to him, we are the ones that have the problem.