Is this the difference in cultural mores that forty years can make? Through the normalization of taking a life? Then…
Josephine Woodgate was 25 when she had one of the UK’s earliest legal abortions. Today, 40 years after women were given the legal right to abortion, she remains haunted by the choice she made … “Over the years, the regret I felt has never waned. Even now, I still catch myself wondering about the child I might have had, if only I had been given more information at the time…”
…and now…
Kat Stark, 24, a union administrator from Warwick, has no regrets about having an abortion. She was 19 when she became pregnant while at university. “When I found out I was pregnant I didn’t have any money or a partner. I knew there was no way I could have a baby,” she said.

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