Another good column about how women in Canada are doing well, thank you very much.
What the author fails to understand, however, is that I–and women like me–are the problem. What I’m supposed to do is gripe more about injustices levelled against me. And the one injustice I do gripe about, daily, is the one I’m supposed to support with a smile. Alas.
Sarah says
I don’t know, IMHO, his is a commentary on flawed statistical analysis and alarmist activist reports, not the status of women in Canada. We all might agree that women aren’t on a retrograde slide to 18th century Irish peasanthood…although arguably an Irish peasant woman probably had pretty much equal rights with her equally oppressed peasant husband, but I digress…but he doesn’t convince me that the gender gap is really getting smaller. He dismisses the case completely to focus on statistical methods, and we all know how easily statistics can be manipulated to prove any side of an argument.
Andrea Mrozek says
Sarah, do you think there actually is a gender gap in Canada today? (whether or not that’s what the stats say)