Look, I’m open to the idea that the mainstream media got the story wrong on this former Planned Parenthood person turned pro-life.
But honestly–this sort of lengthy analysis into how one could not possibly become pro-life? Because it seems too strange to be true? Guess what? It happens. Talk to Bernard Nathanson who aborted his own children, created America’s Largest Abortion Clinic and then…poof. He became pro-life. I read his book which tells his story–called The Hand of God–but as I recall there’s no huge moment where God taps him on the shoulder and says, “Hey, take a look at what you’re doing here.” Nonetheless, pro-life he did become and he changed his ways.
The heart cannot be so easily explained, and I think the story is possible and plausible and will continue to think so until I hear something other than nitpicky, extremely pro-abortion reasons not to.
Jordan says
More of the same from the pro-choice crowd: choice is paramount, so long as it’s our choice. If you disagree with us, you must be dumb.
It’s a neat way to avoid having any real discussion, that’s for sure.
quiet footprints says
Why do I feel that poor’choicers have their head in the sand convincing themselves by saying, no baby, not really alive, no fetal pain, my choice, no consequences, ect only to have the truth bite them on their behind.
It was waching a specific abortion procedure that was the cause of the conversion. I wonder how abortionist their would be if they saw the procedure on 3D?
Poor’choicers are saying that Abby is reciting a script and being terrorized into becoming pro’life. Some of her comments mention that her family was uncomfortable with her job. Besides, I feel I know the poor´choice script well enough to answer to media if I ever decided to open a PP clinic. I think most people are quietly prolife and people are simply rejecting the lies surrounding abortion as experience is being lived.
There is an interesting blog that I recently read regarding a woman who is blogging about having an abortion. (oct 2009) It as been so sad reading about her reactions and thoughts now after the abortion. I think it is called I´m having an abortion?
Lauri Friesen says
The source of the “analysis” should be sufficient to give anyone pause. I’ve tried to read “XX Factor” on Slate.com and have found it to be a very predictable (and often strident) pro-choice, anti-conservative blog. This “analysis” in particular shows the writer has a decided inability to imagine anyone thinking other than she does, never mind acting so. Nothing new here.
Julie Culshaw says
A very informative book is Aborting America by Bernard Nathanson. He wrote it while he was doing abortions, running the largest abortion clinic in the US, and campaigning for legalized abortion in NY. All the while, he was documenting the facts he saw, including the attitudes of pro-choice people, the plight of women desperate for abortions, he writes it all.
It is a riveting book, much more of his journey than the Hand of God.
This guy has become my hero – if Mel Gibson hadn’t become such a scumbag, I would be petitioning him to make a movie of Nathanson’s life.