Here we go again: Henry Morgentaler has been nominated in the Globe and Mail as a transformational Canadian. Nominations are open until November 26, so I’d suggest pro-lifers get in there and nominate many, many more, lest Morgentaler actually be chosen.
Morgentaler did transform us, I suppose. He popularized the idea “of expendable human lives” and “turned this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged and the planned have the right to live.” (Paraphrased from Dr. Jefferson) He made it possible for women to use abortion as birth control, whilst denying them fundamental information about the baby and what abortion does to women. And he transformed us with his obstinate pride (when he was received into the Order of Canada, he said “he deserved it”–quite an acceptance speech) and his strange poetry. Transformational, indeed.
Jennifer adds: Ugh! The quote in bold on the left just ruined my day…
“Were every child a wanted and loved child, the world would be a substantially better place.” So then it’s our job to love them all then isn’t it? I’m loving some right now… get to it people!

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