If you are in the Thunder Bay area tomorrow, June 16, feel free to check out this talk:
June 16, 7:30 PM- 9:00 PM How We Will EndtheKilling, In Our Lifetime Come hear this free presentation by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Stephanie Gray and Jonathon Van Maren. Having spoken internationally and had writings published internationally, respectively, these two engaging and young speakers promise to inspire you with hope that abortion will end. With the abortion crisis seemingly getting worse as society sees a move towards female-feticide and infanticide, what is the pro-life movement to do? Is it possible to transform the Culture of Death to a Culture of Life? Will hearts and minds be won for the pro-life cause? What can you do in your everyday life to make a difference? Stephanie and Jonathon will answer these questions and give you practical tools to EndtheKilling in your community. Please come out, and bring friends.

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