And — what do you know? — they have come up with a really nice one: non-hormonal, so without those nasty side-effects that women have put up with for so long; and long acting, so you don’t have to think about it every day, as women have had to do.

And — what do you know? — they have come up with a really nice one: non-hormonal, so without those nasty side-effects that women have put up with for so long; and long acting, so you don’t have to think about it every day, as women have had to do.
I do not like the article. It looks like some cross between social conservatives and anarcha-feminists – how it manages to pull that off, I just don’t get. The pill is interesting, but I do not need to read these ramblings about how men rule the world even though they are forgetful idiots.
There is a reason no male pill has yet been made to function, and it has nothing to do with gender politics. The male reproductive system is just really hard to disrupt, in contrast to the female.
I don’t know how reliable this pill will be, but it’s at least another line of defence. Yes, men may forget, but they are still condoms, and the various contraceptives for women. The chance of two independant contraceptive mechanisms failing at once is slim indeed.
I’m with those experts who say the pill is outdated. It works, but there are unpleasant side-effects. IUDs are just as effective, if not more so, and without such awkward hormonal disruption.
I also point out that if there is an accidential pregnancy, the man is left holding the baby – or at the very least, paying out child support. There are many stories I’ve heard from men exchanging nth-hand accounts of manipulative women deliberatly getting pregnant from casual sex (Usually lying about the pill) in order to ensnare a man to support them. I’ve even read one account of a man dumping his girlfriend only for her to later call and say she has retrieved one of his used condoms from the bin and emptied it into her vagina in hope that she can get knocked up and so trap him into staying or paying forever. For some men, it’ll be a relief to know that they arn’t depending upon either the competence of honesty of their partner.