I’m a Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse fan. The article says it: people either find her plucky or abrasive. I find her plucky–what’s more, she is kind-hearted and treats everyone with respect. So I’m not sure how the abrasive thing happens.
Read more about the life of Dr. J here.
A portion of it:
Without strong families, you can’t have free markets or limited government. Instead, you get ‘The Life of Julia.’” This is a reference to a slide-show advertisement from President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign that treated a fictitious woman’s cradle-to-grave dependence on government as a triumph of progressivism.
and my favourite quote:
byIs it really so hard to say that children are entitled to parents? This is the birthright of every child, not an impossible dream.” She pauses, then concludes: “When nothing is politically possible, you don’t need to trim sails. You can just tell the truth.”
Julie Culshaw says
We have so few voices like hers in Canada. Thanks Andrea for being one of our ‘few voices’.
Andrea Mrozek says
Thank you, Julie. I need to grab hold of that role more firmly and really own it! I do love Jennifer Roback Morse. And Mary Eberstadt, while we are at it. And others! There are American role models to look up to… who would we say are the Canadian voices?