Faye already commented on the Scandal episode. This article does so again, from the perspective of a woman who had an abortion. I thought it was pretty worthwhile to read her perspective, since only but rarely does real-life experience match up with the Hollywood version. (And yes, that’s true whether the story line is pro-life or pro-choice.)
byWith this episode of Scandal, my heart broke not only because of the abortion experienced by a character I’ve come to like but also because of the soundtrack. To play a beautiful Christmas hymn about easily the most famously celebrated birth in history during a scene that terminates a pregnancy is distasteful. “Silent Night, holy night / All is calm, all is bright / Round yon virgin Mother and Child / Holy infant so tender and mild / Sleep in heavenly peace.” I’m sure the playing of this song during this scene was intentional, politically driven, and meant to stir things up. But I wonder if the writers and producers of this show realize how incredibly damaging images such as these can be to post-abortive women, causing reactions such as flashbacks, nightmares, or increased anxiety.
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