…but don’t take it from me. Take it from a woman who has had two abortions:
So much of life is a gamble, and I think I might have had as good a chance of staying together with the first guy as I did with my ex-husband. And I am not sure that my life would have turned out worse if I had had kids early. I am not sure it would have turned out better. I’m not even sure it would have been that different.
You never know, not really. There is little certainty. But there are some certain truths: It’s very hard to have an abortion. And, there is not a perfect time to have kids.
Life is a gamble, and yet we all seem to want to sign on the dotted line: Successful career by age XX, husband by age YY, 2.5 kids precisely when I am ready. I don’t think it works this way.
Brigitte couldn’t agree more: I can’t even manage to get rice pudding right – it’s either too thick or not enough, I never get it just so. And it only involves a handful of ingredients on a stove over which I exercise full control. Imagine trying to micromanage Life…

Ah, well, when there is more talk about the options for girls who choose life for babies that are not wanted when they are very ill-equipped to deal with them, let me know about your platform and I’ll be all ears. Bring back the days of homes for unwed moms, I say, better than our current situation where many kids fear being tossed onto the streets or are told that is what will happen. Young women fear losing jobs and losing social connections and future opportunities due to the poorly understood consequences and laws around pregnancy and leave. Even at my work, women in their twenties and thirties NEVER discuss hopes for children because the subject is taboo if you are hoping for promotion, as solid plans will make you into an unreliable future employee never mind the relative skills of the fellow next to you. The economy makes holding onto our income potential more important every day, regardless of our dreams of stay-at-home parenting while hubby goes to work. And this is just to live modestly.