I missed this two days ago but I’ll link to it now. It’s an article about how feminism has liberated men. Apparently, we’re not supposed to be concerned that some men lack ambition and sit around not doing much.

I missed this two days ago but I’ll link to it now. It’s an article about how feminism has liberated men. Apparently, we’re not supposed to be concerned that some men lack ambition and sit around not doing much.
Except that in the articles own examples, the men aren’t painting houses or pursuing their dream to make music – they’re sitting around smoking pot.
And the cost a woman pays for the “option” to be a mother is often poverty, because men don’t feel the duty to help provide for their own children.
“Little Billy would have been a deadbeat if he didn’t pull his weight in the workforce. Now it’s a choice.”
Oh gosh. I hope the next stage of the feminist movement isn’t to shed the “expectation” to choose between career and motherhood, and fight for a woman’s right to be a deadbeat! Because if you look at cultural expectations, it’s more accepted for a boy to entirely flunk out of school than a girl.