But wait a minute. Every previous generation in history would have happily traded places with us. So what if the Germans will have to sacrifice a week or two of paid vacation time, or if hairdressers in Greece will no longer be able to retire with a pension at the age of 50? Almost all their babies live.
Way back I remember writing a news item based on UN data showing how the world, not just the west, was improving on various outcomes and how we were all doing better than just a hundred years ago. Not saying there isn’t room for improvement but context is important.

Almost all their BORN babies live…
Isn’t the Greek birth rate something like 1.1? way below replacement. So they are a nation of aging people, thinking they can retire and collect pensions while there are no new taxpayers to pay for that. We should be taking a lesson from this, because we are next.
That also explains how abortion is tied to euthanasia. Less babies, then a couple of generations later too many elderly to care for, so to aliviate the burden, their lives must be ended too. Eliminate humanity on both ends of the lifespan.
So much for population growth!
It makes me wonder if those pushing for euthanasia now are simply signing their own method of death! It doesn’t seem to be 20 years old trying to make euthanasia laws.
Abortion isnt really the main cause of birth rate decline its contraception.