This article is a quick biography of quarterback Tim Tebow, a homeschooled Christian who is apparently very good at the sport.
In only three years of college ball, Tebow has already won a national championship and just about every individual award he has been eligible for. Yet it his character, rather than his athletic accomplishments, that have earned him a wide following.
Then this, on what it means to rebel on college today:
Those familiar with the university scene have noticed a new creature on campus in this generation — the culturally conservative, clean-living, academically successful, well-rounded, socially savvy, religiously observant student. He has not displaced his debauched classmates as the new big man on campus, but he is a leader and accepted part of the campus scene — a definite change in the 20 years since I started university. The clean-living Christian is the true rebel on campus, there being nothing else to rebel against, save for licentious living.
We have every freedom–one of the few rebellious things left is to choose to be clean cut–and proud of it.
Glad to hear of a role model like this guy. (Also of note in the article is that his mom was advised to abort him.)
Brigitte notes: Score another one against baby-boomers. They even managed to ruin teenage rebellion.
Special K says
I found this bit to be particularly interesting, following the couple of sentences about how his mom was pressured to abort him: “Tebow’s generation knows in way that previous generations do not that they faced mortal danger before they even saw the light. That’s partly why younger people are surprisingly more pro-life than their elders.”