If there is something more annoying than a random bag of milk rupturing and slowly leaking inside your fridge, what is it?
byIf there is something more annoying than a random bag of milk rupturing and slowly leaking inside your fridge, what is it?
Deborah Gyapong says
Discovering some meat has leaked blood on the fridge and dripped all over your condiments
Andrea Mrozek says
Deb’s is a good one. My offering is spilling juice under the fridge as you have to head out the door in a rush to catch a flight only to return and have to deal with the sticky mess on delay.
Heather says
When the cabinet which stands over your toilet falls you on right before you go to bed, scattering toiletries and tiny decorative rocks everywhere, and when you wake up ready to deal with it in the morning you find your other bathroom cabinet has come crashing down off the wall, taking the towel rack with it!!
(it’s like they were in cahoots…either that or star-crossed lovers who could not bear to live without the other)
Heather says
Drafting a long important e-mail in webmail and then hitting “send” only to find your session has timed out and the e-mail is *gone*.
Suricou Raven says
The bottle rupturing inside the boot of your car on the way home from shopping.
Brownmear says
A carton of milk left under your truck seat until the heat of the day a week later finally causes the carton to break open and spill the rancid milk.
Long story but my daughter left me such a present when I gave her and her son a ride.
Both windows open and my head outside, that truck was hard to drive for weeks, despite repeated cleanings.