As Andrea noted in a previous post on this topic, there really is a time for judging – this is the abortion culture and it is heinous in every sense of the word. “After Tiller” is a documentary featuring the only four “doctors” in America that legally perform third trimester abortions, and the women that come to them for the procedure.
What is evident in reading this article (not sure I could stomach the actual documentary) is that there is no life-threatening or even compelling health reason why these abortions are being performed. (There actually never is a health reason to ever warrant deliberately killing a viable unborn baby, but abortion advocates like to use that as a justification for late term abortions.) These babies are killed for social reasons – in fact one 16-year old girl ‘gets’ her post 26-week abortion despite the fact that her boyfriend’s family want to adopt the child.
Both the abortionists and the patients “struggle” with their decisions. In fact one of the abortionist’s actually says,
“I think the reason I’ve struggled is that I think of them as babies,” she says. “I don’t think of that as a fetus.”
The author of the article writes that the crux of the film actually portrays the pain and anguish of the people going ahead with these abortions.
All these decisions are presented in contrast to pro-life protests being held outside the clinics. You certainly get the sense that pro-life picketers are in anguish, but it’s a completely different species of the feeling. You get the sense that no matter how much the protesters feel, it doesn’t begin to compare to the pain some of the women in these clinics face.
This is probably one of the most compelling examples of why we need a law on abortion. The law exists to protect us from ourselves, because sometimes there are just too many choices.

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