You might nod your head in agreement with Charles Lewis at the National Post on this one:
We should be horrified about children frozen in lockers like pieces of meat. We should then ask why it bothers us and why what is invisible does not bother us at all.
But then stop and think about the true ramifications of this. Many pro-lifers take the Pill, for example. And so far as I am aware, there isn’t really a way to confirm that the Pill doesn’t work some of the time by causing a very early abortion. (Ie. it makes the lining of the uterus inhospitable for an already created embryo.) Then there’s in-vitro. Many people who would never have an abortion do that, but this tends to create multiple additional embryos that then “hang out” somewhere or are discarded.
This question of whether we should care about that which we cannot see is more troubling than you think on first glance.
I’m going to try and read Embryo soon to try and get a better handle on all this.

I’m glad to see these things being discussed. Abortion, contraception and IVF are sometimes posed as separate issues, but they all center upon the question of how we treat human life, and how we use our capacity to transmit it.