I maintain a Clinton presidency is just as dangerous as a Trump presidency, only in different ways.
Trump is a disaster. I thought I could hold my nose really hard and vote for Trump in the hopes that he might, by accident, make a good Supreme Court nominee. That was the only reason. Now I’m not sure I could. I know he is not remotely conservative. I know and have always realized he is a cad, a boor and an idiot. Actually, watching him in mind-blowingly awful action after the first debate really hammered home the idiot portion–that he has zero comprehension of any issue. And calling him grade school on his manners does a disservice to those in grade school, who are generally much better behaved.
Lady MacBeth Clinton is more polished. She has a shiny veneer on her (and a way better political machine behind her). For me, of all her crimes: Benghazi, the emails, the firing of civil servants because they wouldn’t make public office into a money making scheme for her, the slandering of women her husband had affairs with–the worst to me, and the most indicative of her character is stealing White House furniture. I haven’t even mentioned her “charitable” foundation or touched on her pro-abortion bona fides. Now we learn via Wikileaks that her campaign holds Roman Catholics and Evangelicals in high disdain for our medieval views. (I like medieval views–modern times have brought a lot of nonsense, suffering and hardship. Actually, on Christianity I think I’m leaning toward first-four-centuries-anno-domini-views–but I digress.) Clinton holds people in high disdain and this is something that comes through about her, even with the polish.
Two utterly impossible choices.
Here’s the thing: Do people realize that politics is downstream of culture? Think about that. We know it’s true. Politicians aren’t brave–they don’t chart new territory. They deliver what they think we want, to get more votes.
Politics being downstream of culture should really scare us right now. Trump and Clinton as the nominee means we are getting exactly what we deserve out of the culture we have created.
It scares me as much as hearing Chuck Colson say in an online clip that the culture reflects the state of the church. This was a recent realization to me. And I believe it is true.
This is a great article on the state of the culture as regards Trump and sexuality. I’ve always been a prude, and I am proud of it. So I am bemused by the “sudden onset of Victorian vapors” over Trump, as the author puts it, where all the rest of the soft-porn/hard-core smut we immerse ourselves in from advertising to music to movies was AOK.
Did no one think it might filter into the character of our nations at some point?
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