We all know by now it was Sarah Palin’s last day in office last week. Here’s the Globe and Mail‘s oh-so-funny take on it. But I won’t begrudge them their satire, no.
Instead, a short post we will call “A diligent Globe and Mail reporter and editor work on a story about Sarah Palin.”
Sarah Palin’s last day as Governor was Sunday, July 26. Woo-hoo! [Remove “woo-hoo.” We do not cheer her resignation; Look, in Alaska she was at least contained. Now she could turn up anywhere.–ed.] Location: Far away! Even further than the 905. [Add “Can’t see the CN Tower there,” for Canadian content and context. Remember, show, don’t tell–ed.] Background: Crazy gun-toting fundamentalist religious nutbar [Enough already! You’ll look unfair; try “crazy gun-toting moose-field-dressing religious Barbie-doll grandma” and drop fundamentalist nutbar–ed.] appears on scene, poised to steal American election from rightful heir, Barack Obama (May His Holy Name Be Praised) [Do you think that might offend Muslims? Please do solid fact check.–ed]. Couldn’t have that again. Not after George W in 2000. Bygones–we have Barack now. No more is America a land of fat, overbearing rubes. Just redneck governors with five kids, one of whom just resigned. [Good place to insert joke about the out-of-wedlock birth of her teenage daughter? Just a thought. Good start, but I think there’s more we can do with this one–ed.]
…Look, I was never getting published in the Globe anyway. Might as well have a little innocent fun, right?
Elizabeth says
Ha! Funny because it is too close to reality. The Globe’s coverage of Palin I was disgusted, but not surprised by.
Maclean’s (the odd few sentences they do mention her in) surprised me, as their standards are usually much higher. My most recent issue has a story about Bristol Palin in their “celebrity” section and notes that like her mother, she makes bad choices all the time.
Anyways, I look forward to newly-free Sarah Palin getting the publicity that only she can for pro-life issues. What I cannot understand is why Todd Palin has not been touted as Mr. Feminism due to his status as awesome dad, husband, equal partner, etc. Perhaps PWPL could do him justice? Has there every in history in any Western country been a political husband bottle-feeding his baby while his wife fields questions on foreign policy?