I reviewed Mara Hvistendahl’s most excellent book, Unnatural Selection, here. I heartily recommend it. She covers the topic of the world’s disappearing women very thoroughly.
Your readers may be interested in a feminist’s take on this. You know, in answer to the perennial question: ‘Where are the feminists?’
Hint: This situation is not the fault of feminism, but of misogyny and patriarchy — two artefacts feminism fights against, and also of Western capitalism.
My take on that:
“If sex selection is a cancer, prejudice against women is the cigarette; but population control, combined with easy access to ultrasound technology and abortion is the lighter. While the book spans the gamut of forces that push for sex-selection abortion, population control pushes sex selection from the realm of prejudice against women into the elimination of females.”
fern hill says
Your readers may be interested in a feminist’s take on this. You know, in answer to the perennial question: ‘Where are the feminists?’
Hint: This situation is not the fault of feminism, but of misogyny and patriarchy — two artefacts feminism fights against, and also of Western capitalism.
Andrea Mrozek says
My take on that:
“If sex selection is a cancer, prejudice against women is the cigarette; but population control, combined with easy access to ultrasound technology and abortion is the lighter. While the book spans the gamut of forces that push for sex-selection abortion, population control pushes sex selection from the realm of prejudice against women into the elimination of females.”