As you may recall, pro-life students at the UofC had been charged with trespassing on their own campus for having a pro-life display. Those charges have been stayed:
The group’s display, held on the University of Calgary campus every semester since 2006, termed the Genocide Awareness Project, precipitated the charges. The display compares abortion to past historical atrocities, such as the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
Club president Leah Hallman stated, “We are relieved by this decision on the part of the Crown Prosecutor; Campus Pro-Life has consistently maintained that all of our actions were in full compliance under the law. The charges were initially delivered to the homes of several students by members of the Calgary Police Service in February of 2009. On March 16th, all charged members pleaded not guilty. At the time, Hallman argued “We have asked the university several times which of its by-laws, policies, regulations or other authority it relies on for censoring our viewpoint, and have received no answer to date.”
The staying of the charges takes place nearly one year after the November 2008 display on campus that was the catalyst for the charges being laid. “Campus Pro-Life will continue being a voice for the voiceless,” states club treasurer Alanna Campbell. “We hope to continue our activities on campus and raise awareness among the next generation of community leaders.”
Jon says
Great news! I have followed the story closely in recent years. I wonder if the university’s new president will make any difference in the university’s policy of persecution of Campus Pro-life and little children.
Suricou Raven says
I’m not familiar with Canadian law. What does this mean? Is staying a charge the same as dismissing it?
David says
Don’t feel this is a great victory. The University should support students who wish to express their concern on issues. The U of C still seems intent on opposing this Campus group. University officials say the Campus Pro Life group is not open to debate or discussion. What that means is the University wants the group to do what the University tells them to do. Just who is not open to discussion and debate? Really, the University should be nurturing students expression and protecting their ability to do so. Regardless, the Campus Pro Life gets a 10 out of 10 for continuing to speak out, so congratulations, and the University a 0 out of 10 for continuing to fail in their responsibilities.
Jon says
Campus Pro-Life remains committed to advocating the safety and security of Canadians and welcomes this development. The safety and well-being of all Canadians are paramount issues.
The university’s statements and actions to date have made it clear that it is not interested in a discussion or debate. Rather, it is using censorship and the courts to advance its objectives.