This blog post asks whether abortion should be illegal in Poland (it is currently). It starts out using the euphemisms of reproductive rights, but ends with a more thoughtful line of questioning:
I was going to ask – “Do women in fact have ‘the right’ to exercise such control over their own bodies when it comes to the question of terminating pregnancies?” but decided not to thinking the answer might simply depend on one’s religious tendencies. But then I wondered if perhaps there might be other points of view?
Why yes, there are other points of view! Thanks for asking. Welcome to ProWomanProLife.
Anyhoo, the author points to an article from the UK about how for Polish women apparently England is a popular abortion destination.
This highlights two things for me:
One: If Polish women are travelling to the UK and not travelling to the Czech Republic or Russia, two neighbouring countries where abortion is very much legal and available then they really aren’t desperate.
Two: Polish women are some of the most discerning, stylish, smart, fashionable, savvy women I know. Ie. not oppressed. This speaks to one of my themes–abortion has nothing to do with women’s rights.
This All Things Polish blog, turns out to be very funny, in particular to me, since I have some Polish heritage. Check out Ciocia Halina (Auntie Halina) “your problem is my joy”–which really, really speaks to the, er, shall we say interested and invested nature of Polish families, parents too. Then this post made me laugh: Ten Things to Remember when you Have a Polish Girlfriend. (Note No. 9–she’s smarter than you!)

I do think they have a point with the religious persuasion in the sense that “what secures natural human rights?” ie. what makes murder of an innocent person wrong? If it is not based on Law’s given by a Creator, then there are no such laws and people will do what is convenient (in fact why wouldn’t someone do what is convenient?).
Hi from Warsaw, Andrea,
Just one point regarding your highlight number one. Travelling to Russia is not easy (no cheap flights), when you get there it’s damned expensive and most Poles would not be seen dead there anyway! Travelling to Czech is easier but again, there is a tendency for Poles to think the Czechs are a “little weird”. Certainly wouldn’t be first choice for surgery for most Poles.
Since roughly a million Poles emigrated to the UK, thanks to EU border relaxation, there are even stronger links to the UK than there already were. You can fly return to the UK on any of at least 4 low cost airlines and most Poles would find someone to stay with. The UK is regarded as a good place for medical treatment.
Hence – going to the UK does not mean they are “not desperate”, if I judge your intent correctly.
Otherwise – very glad I didn’t upset a clearly female orientated writer too much and glad you enjoyed some of our little blogette!
Happy Christmas! (or is it “Holidays” in Canada?)