I have a voice. And I use it. And I will not be categorized, or compelled to express my voice in one way. So often, our voices are held against us, or shamed; my voice will be my voice and I will continue to voice my voice, audibly. Yes. When I think about my voice—I just know I want my voice, and others’ voices, too, to be heard. And this way, we will change the world.
For more blogging just like this, please click here. The author calls herself “pro-voice” and is attempting to reframe the abortion debate in a manner that is…almost entirely incomprehensible to everyone. I understand that labels have limitations. But let’s get down to brass tacks. She is pro-choice—rhymes with voice—but won’t acknowledge it.
In this post, she says there’s room for the voice of the unborn child. I’d have to imagine that voice is a bit quieter. All those who advocate for abortion are alive. And the rest… well… not so vocal.
I wish her—and her voice—the best of luck.
Brigitte isn’t particularly subtle: Call me cynical, but when I read stuff like that what I hear is “if only everyone would agree with me we’d put an end to the culture wars, which would be so much nicer”. Colour me unsympathetic. And unimpressed. Try again, sweetie.
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