A one-woman anti-abortion machine:
Rose stages her own sting operations at Planned Parenthood clinics, posing as a pregnant teenage girl to shine a light on what she says is the taxpayer-subsidized organization’s cover-up of sexual abuse.
She claims Planned Parenthood counselors routinely ignore their duty to report statutory rape when dealing with young girls impregnated by older men and often tell them to lie about their age or the identity of their sex partners rather than alert authorities.
Tanya adds:
Planned Parenthood clinics have posted Rose’s picture to alert workers and U.S. News and World Report blogger Bonnie Erbe demanded to know why she had not been arrested for trespassing or fraud.”
Figures, doesn’t it?
Julie Culshaw says
An interesting fact about Lila is that she was home schooled in a Christian fundamentalist family. I also read that she converted to Roman Catholicism last year, but I cannot confirm that. She is one spunky lady.
Special K says
Read this interesting article on Lila Rose from someone on the left who is starting to get pretty nervous about the snowballing pro-life movement: http://www.awid.org/eng/Issues-and-Analysis/Issues-and-Analysis/Citizen-Entrapment-Lila-Rose-and-21st-Century-Stealth-Pro-Life-Activism