This recent footage taken inside a Planned Parenthood clinic by Students for Life of America shows a girl asking questions about an abortion, and the clinician explaining how babies may be born alive but they usually die shortly thereafter. Usually.

For those clinging to the idea that, “Well, these are 22 week babies at the oldest, they couldn’t survive even if you did provide care,” I looked at the margin of error in estimating gestation age — as well as the fact that while this facility’s cut-off is 22 weeks, others do elective abortions as late as 26 weeks.
These 22 week babies might actually be 24 week babies with a 40-70% survival rate.
Though, of course, if you wrap them in a towel and stick them in a closet, they have a 0% chance of survival.
Great point, Christina. To back that up, here’s a study that shows a 23 week baby has a 42% survival rate.
And let’s not forget baby Amilla. For those who suspect a not-so-happy ending, she’s just fine at a year old. (17.5 pounds? She weighs only a pound less than my daughter did at a year…and my kid was born at 41 weeks gestational age.)