Why, you’re watching Question Period at noon, and then at five pm (EST) you are listening to 580 CFRA. On Question Period, Rod Bruinooge, MP for Winnipeg South, will debate the Morgentaler award with Martha Hall-Findlay, and in the evening, Brigitte and I will discuss the whole business on the Gerry Cammy show.
Between those two shows, however, you’ll have some time–so you can join the new Facebook group against this award, you can contact your new friends in the Governor General’s office, your Member of Parliament, people on the committee–to politely and continually express your concern over the country’s protocol being broken in order that he might receive a pet present from our Chief Justice. 4MyCanada has done a wonderful job of compiling contact info. You could call a new person every day! Or everyone, every day. Your call (no pun intended).
Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice: This award was given outside of normal protocol. That’s not how we do business. If you are pro-choice ask yourself if you celebrate abortion: because that’s what this award is all about.
One person wrote into this site saying the award makes him feel bad, but he felt still worse for having done nothing on the issue to this point. That’s true of many of us, myself included. Every day is a new day, though, and we can make changes, by acting now.
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