A very reasonable column about Tim Hudak’s prior statements on abortion that is, quite frankly, neither pro-life nor pro-choice. Just reasonable. I like this part, especially:
And there is a subset of Canadians that unleashes online hellfire against anyone who sees anything worth discussing about this country’s unique legal vacuum on abortion.
Elizabeth May found this out in 2006 by daring to suggest abortion isn’t an ideal outcome in the abstract, even as she opposed any infringement upon a specific woman’s right to choose. Fair enough. That’s democracy. What’s annoying is the terror that small subset instills in the political class.
And that’s what I mean about having a little chutzpah, Mr. Hudak. Really, it is a very small subset that unleashes the online hellfire. A shrug and standing by your principles is the way to go. There’s no reason to struggle for talking points on this one. And the more any politician does, the more that small subset smells blood and goes in for the kill.
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