Perhaps the silliest argument in favour of the old abortionist: That if only we weren’t so anti-Semitic and bent on detesting ugly people, there wouldn’t be such an uproar over his induction into the Order of Canada.
Many years ago, Montreal Gazette cartoonist Terry Mosher, aka Aislin, published a cartoon that pictured Henry Morgentaler beside a handsome, waspish doctor with an Anglo-Saxon name and posited the question: Do you think if Henry Morgentaler looked like this, there would be this fuss?
We may never know how the debate on abortion might have unfolded if its leading proponent looked like George Clooney. Aislin, also named to the Order in 2003, made his point brilliantly, tacitly alluding to an unfortunate thread of anti-Semitism that also circulates about Morgentaler and his practice.
I’m sure there are pro-lifers who harbour anti-Semitic feelings. After all, there are imbeciles everywhere – including among journalists and politicians and (why not?) pro-choicers. But really, dude, you’re pushing it. On the other charge, that of finding Henry Morgentaler less visually pleasant to look at than certain famous surfing actors I could name, well, gosh, I plead guilty. I didn’t think that was the reason I opposed abortion, but hey.

What if an old ugly guy who goes to court here in Vancouver before a Jury of 12 to challenge the prohibition laws created by religious racists a century ago which still cause untold suffering today? What if, although he looks silly wearing a “religious headgear,” reminiscent of some kind of witch doctor who collided with a crow chasing a seagull low over a field of Marijuana as on his official bio picture on the Vancouver Votes website, and he eventually had those crime inducing laws repealed and received the Order of Canada for it, too? Would you hate him just as much as you do Morgantaler for setting people free from your mindless religious tyranny?
A good friend of mine is Sister June of the Sisters of Atonement, and she told me that once a Catholic always a Catholic.
She may be right. One thing I’m not is a mindless believer, though . And I do very much believe that god gave everyone the choice of good and evil, and don’t agree bovines taking that away from people, BECAUSE THEY THINK THAT THEY KNOW BETTER.
I’m tired of your self righteousness and controlling cynicism, your prattle-like gossip.
You are godless mavens who wish to oppress people who think differently than you. Mind your own business and allow the holy spirit to do its work.
Well I didn’t think that you would publish. See, I’m often wrong, too.
In your website title you have the statement, “Canada without abortion. By choice”
Let me point out Canada doesn’t have abortions. Abortions are had by individual women, some of whom believe differently than you do. Let the determine their life “by choice.” You determine yours by choice as your god has decreed and they determine their life by there choice.
Your present stand on the rights of a fetus as something declared in the Bible is a lie. It wasn’t until the child was baptized that it was considered a viable human being only a few short decades ago.
What you have cobbled together today, is last centuries version of the temperance movement, a thinly disguised tool of government oppression and racist movement double proguened attack against personal freedom and other cultures.
Religion is an excuse for the self righteous to try to oppress others in anyway possible. And what about the hypocrisy of coming from a history of sexual predation and perversion of the clergy, and all the while your gang of hateful oppressors claimed that the sky would fall if the gays were allowed to marry. I see that that was a fraudulent claim, too.
No, your kind have always used the very best that could be within man, to do pure evil in the name of god. Yes of course there are many people who do good deeds in you churches but those are good individuals expressing there human goodness no matter what they claim in delusion. The truly horrendous, overwhelmingly evil things that great societies do, are all done in the name of god, though. And those acts of oppressive tyranny outweigh the individual human acts of goodness by far.
Leave each individual to answer to their own understanding of god, and leave god’s ability to touch each individual without your interference. Take the plank from your eyes before complaining about the mote in the eyes of others.
Thank you, Bud Oracle, for revealing yourself. I can only hope for the atheists and the pro-death movement that they are not all as hysterical as you are.